Nature Quiz for Kids


Nature Quiz for Kids

1 / 15

Which animal has a pair of visible, big teeth which are not meant for eating?

2 / 15

Of the following animals, which one is warm-blooded?

3 / 15

Of the following animals, which one hunts in packs?

4 / 15

Of the following animals, which one lives alone?

5 / 15

Which family of animals does a tiger belong to?

6 / 15

Which bird is a symbol of peace?

7 / 15

Of the following animals, which one tries to save itself by merging with the surroundings?

8 / 15

Of the following animals, which one lays eggs in water?

9 / 15

Of the following animals, which one lives on trees?

10 / 15

Of the following animals, which one lays eggs?

11 / 15

Which family of animals does a zebra belong to?


12 / 15

From which animal is wool taken?

13 / 15

Of the following animals, which one is not kept in a zoo?

14 / 15

Which class of animals can live both on land and in water?

15 / 15

Of the following animals, which one eats both animals and plants?

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Abu Ahmed
Abu Ahmed

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