Do you have an Anxious or Calm personality?


Do you have an Anxious or Calm personality?

In each of the following choose from a scale of 1 – 5 which of these statements you most agree with or is most applicable to yourself.
Choose just one of the numbers 1-5 in each of the 25 statements.
Choose 5 for most agree/most applicable, down to 1 for least agree/least applicable.

1 / 25

I often find myself dashing around at more than my normal speed.

2 / 25

I feel ruled by time.

3 / 25

I worry that I am not more financially secure.

4 / 25

I tend to gesticulate a lot.

5 / 25

I want people to see me as one of life’s winners.

6 / 25

There has on several different occasions in my life been just one particular thing which has dominated my thoughts for days on end.

7 / 25

I am impatient.

8 / 25

When I get little aches and pains, I often worry that it could be something more serious.

9 / 25

It is important to me that I play to win.

10 / 25

I often have to work to tight deadlines.

11 / 25

I sometimes get angry with myself if I make a mistake or do not do something to the standard I have set myself.

12 / 25

I do not suffer fools gladly.

13 / 25

I am much more of a serious person than a jovial one.

14 / 25

I am not optimistic about the future.

15 / 25

I push myself hard.

16 / 25

I have on several occasions gone red in the face with harassment.

17 / 25

Sometimes I cannot get to sleep as I have too much on my mind.

18 / 25

Punctuality is important to me.

19 / 25

I easily become agitated in queues and traffic jams.

20 / 25

I am often critical of others.

21 / 25

I am a worrier.

22 / 25

I find it difficult to switch off completely and totally relax.

23 / 25

Loud noise aggravates me.

24 / 25

I often wake up in the morning with something worrying on my mind.

25 / 25

I am a fast talker.


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Abu Ahmed
Abu Ahmed


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