Extrovert or Introvert


Extrovert or Introvert

Take this Personality Test to know whether you are an Introvert or an Extrovert. Answer the questions honestly, and know about this aspect of your personality at the end of the test.

1 / 25

How often do you let your opinions be known?

2 / 25

Do you prefer to discuss things face-to-face or over the telephone?

3 / 25

How quickly are you on the dance floor at a social function?

4 / 25

When travelling alone on a long train journey would you be likely to strike up a long conversation with a complete stranger sitting next to you?

5 / 25

What would be your reaction if the position of chair suddenly became vacant on a committee on which you were sitting?

6 / 25

How much do you enjoy social gatherings?

7 / 25

Which of the following words would you say is the most applicable to you?

8 / 25

How easily do you make friends?

9 / 25

What would be your reaction if someone asked you to sell some raffle tickets for charity?

10 / 25

Do you prefer to work alone, or as part of a team?

11 / 25

Do you enjoy making small talk at buffet lunches?

12 / 25

Which of the following words would you say is the mostapplic able to you?

13 / 25

Do you enjoy performing your party piece at parties and other occasions?

14 / 25

Do you think people see you as a fun person?

15 / 25

How quickly do you become bored and restless when performing routine tasks?

16 / 25

Do you ever run out of things to say when talking to someone you have just met?

17 / 25

If you need to approach someone in high authority for a favour, would you prefer to ask them:

18 / 25

How often do you like to let your hair down, let yourself go and have a real good time?

19 / 25

Are you more comfortable when talking to people on a one-to-one basis or in a group discussion?

20 / 25

Do you enjoy being the centre of attention?

21 / 25

Would you appear clown on a charity calendar?

22 / 25

Would you go out of your way to meet ‘the right people’?

23 / 25

If you were asked to give a speech at a function, would you feel happy about doing this?

24 / 25

What is your ideal way of celebrating your birthday?

25 / 25

Would you describe yourself as a leader or a follower?


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Abu Ahmed
Abu Ahmed

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