Test English


Test English

Here are some sentences. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate option from the choices given

Best as a fun time-pass as well as for students preparing for competitive exams.

1 / 30

_______ this newspaper report, elderly people are more affected by the Covid-19.

2 / 30

I am hoping _____ an A-plus grade in my exams.

3 / 30

I wish that person ______ talking in a loud tone. It’s really bothering me.

4 / 30

What _____ in order to get a permit to work in this country?

5 / 30

I know it’s not a perfect gift but I made it ________.

6 / 30

The organization is trying to find ways to save and _____ the world’s endangered animals.

7 / 30

As the applause _____, the speaker started talking.

8 / 30

_______ I can’t go to school today as I am ill.

9 / 30

I ______ want to be a practising doctor but now I am more interested in teaching medicine.

10 / 30

This industry manufactures some of ________ phones in the world.

11 / 30

All power corrupts. _____, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

12 / 30

The tokens can be ______ for food in the cafeteria.

13 / 30

When I reached, the lecture …………….. so I didn’t find it easy to follow.

14 / 30

If the trend continues, the average income ______ by 100% by 2025.

15 / 30

We were living in a village. Moving to the city radically _____ our lifestyle.

16 / 30

Learning computers is important nowadays because workplaces are using computer technology. _____ it can be a useful skill in many other areas.

17 / 30

From this chart, we can see that the economy _______ at the moment.

18 / 30

The bookstore ____ the end of the street is recommended.

19 / 30

Researchers finally _______ find a cure for this disease after years of research.

20 / 30

Many people these days do not eat a healthy diet. ____ is possible that this is because of more advertisements for unhealthy food.

21 / 30

When you write your articles you ______ copy ideas from other journals without referencing them properly.

22 / 30

The ______ of blisters is one of the important findings of Chickenpox.

23 / 30

My friends encouraged _______ this course.

24 / 30

What will you do if ______ in final exams?

25 / 30

He got a terrible score on the exam so he __________ very hard at all.

26 / 30

The employer interviewed ________ candidates in turn.

27 / 30

Do you have any knowledge ____ how this gadget works?

28 / 30

A recent health report has warned that _______ we observe precautionary measures, the COVID pandemic will continue.

29 / 30

_______ I think it’s better to practice your speech five times before the meeting.

30 / 30

…………….. the experiment several times now with different results each time.

Your score is

The average score is 17%


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Abu Ahmed
Abu Ahmed

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